
Wednesday 6 March 2013

About Me | My Illnesses

You're probably wondering why I have that thing on my face! It's a naso-gastric tube and it helps keep my weight stable. My body doesn't take all the nutrients from food like yours probably will and I find it very hard to put on and maintain a good weight. 

I have Crohns Disease which is a inflammatory bowel disease, PSC, a liver disease, ISTC another bowel disease, Arthritis and Hypermobility. 

All my illnesses take a huge toll on my quality of life and I struggle to do day to day things. I use a wheelchair and take alot of medication. My PSC is slowly destroying the bile ducts in my liver and I will need a liver transplant.

 I think I love make-up and beauty products so much because I can't do alot of things but I can still do that! I love pampering myself if I'm having a bad day and finding products that hide the signs that I'm not well. I enjoy watching beauty gurus on youtube and flicking through their blogs on days when I can't get out of bed because it helps take my mind off of feeling rubbish.

 I always get asked why I bother with make-up even though I'm ill. I always say that on days where I don't make an effort I feel alot worse than on days when I put a slick of lipgloss and a brush of mascara on! 
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